
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Use a list from Excel to drive the values in Grasshopper?



Is there anyway to be able to make a list of integers in excel and be able to input them in for certain numbers/sliders into a grasshopper file? I would like to be able to change all the input in Excel and have them change automatically in grasshopper. Any help would be fantastic.


Thank you.

Views: 555

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Hi Lauren, I'm rather sure that gHowl can do this, don't know about GH automatically updating the input data. (This discussion may come in handy.)
It seems it would but I for some strange reason can't seem to get ghowl to work. I don't know if I havn't installed it right or what my problem is...
Then.... files please ;) Have you seen Luis' helpful comment about the small dependency?

I did see that and I downloaded everything.

So this is my grasshopper file I am working on. Ghowl may be working and I'm just too much of a newbie to figure it out. I am not sure.


I learned some gHowl tonight and made this:
(mind the xlsx file path in the definition)







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