
algorithmic modeling for Rhino



Hi everyone,


Im trying to create a 3d grid of points with reactor points that affect the grid via repelling the grid points away.


Currently i have a flat plane on which the points do have a repelling effect, although cant figure out how to create a 3d grid to do this on.


Also I was wondering if it is possible to have these reactor points repel at different intensities on the same grid (ie to obtain different voumes).


Would be great if someone could post a grasshopper example or script we can use!

Ive attached the script im currently working off and rhino file.




Views: 832


Replies to This Discussion

You have an older version of GH so uploading the file is pointless unless you update. (You are still using the very first recgrid) but here is a photo of the 2 things I added to your definition. 






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