
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I'm pretty new to grasshopper and I'm trying to learn how to create a moderately simple, 2D pattern using rectangles. The rectangles need to be separated into three sections (top 1/4, middle 1/2, and bottom 1/4). The top and bottom sections can only contain rectangles whose width is less than twice that of their length. The middle rectangles need to be long, vertical stripes, with smaller square-like rectangles throughout.  The rectangles cannot touch and the spaces between them should be minimal. Then...I need to be able to manipulate those rectangles in the following ways: decrease the length, make the distance between every rectangle equal so that they fill a plane rather than bunch in the middle as they do at first, and finally turn each rectangle into a triangle with the rectangle's width dimension being the base of the triangle. 


The beginning of the pattern is going to use a lot of random values which is what I'm confused about. I've been playing around with booleans in panels that connect do an euclidean distance boxes in hopes of keeping the rectangles from touching. I also don't know how to make grasshopper generate this pattern out of nothing (i.e. draw the pattern starting with a single rectangle and multiplying until it reaches an outer boundary). Can anyone PLEASE provide some code to either start me off or get me on the right track? It would be greatly appreciated.



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Just for greater clarity can you post a sample graphic of your intended result?  Picture is worth 1000 words.



It's been a few days since anyone responded so I'm just replying in hopes that someone will see this! :) If anyone knows how to help, please do! Thanks





For me it looks like:

- Circle packing with ~10 different rectengulars instead of circles

- cull random or with image a specific amount of rectengulars


or I guess yomehow this should work with Galapagos.





Best Regards




Thanks! But it seems like there isn't a way to keep the rectangles from touching using dist. The first link seems to conclude that it's an almost impossible algorithm. I'm still clueless as how to make this. :(



There should be a way to adapt this to your problem.






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