
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Where is a generally good place to start to learn / get the feel for Galapagos. I have read the theory behind it here What I'm looking for is a run around of the interface and options with explanations, as well as example files or example situations. Are there any "primers" out there or any good references you guys used when you first learned it. Thanks.

Views: 378

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Hi Michael,


the default settings should be adequate for most problems. One of the goals I'm trying to achieve with Galapagos is that all you have to do is hook up the sliders and the fitness, then press the START button.


I agree it would be nice to have some tutorials, I'll see what I can do when I have some time on my hands again.



David Rutten

Leusden, Holland

sometimes it's helpful to see, what others are doing!

Thanks RWNB, and David ill look forward to that, just at least an over view of the different options and how to set up a situation maybe would be nice. Thanks






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