
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I've been getting into T-splines alot this week and it got me thinking. We currently have components to sub lists, split lists, contain lists.Could it be interesting or possible to make a component that is for symmetry, like t-splines symmetry mode, but unlike t-splines symmetry which is geared towards "clay" modeling per say, maybe for GH it is list based, maybe by points. I see it like the inputs being the list, and a plane or curve for symmetry. So its basically like split list but the split is based off a physical plane or curve rather then input split number. Maybe then output is a data type that is one list with the "bizarro" mirrored list and any action to one list happens in symmetry to the other. So unlike split list, the lists are somehow linked. just a thought.

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also, as the list info travels downstream maybe its possible symmetry could translate also down stream into further commands like extrusion ect. as long as the source list has a symmetry link.






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