
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi There,


I am currently working on building a facade for a building by creating a curvilinear line, breaking it up into segments (Representative of the number of floors i.e. 70 floors, 70 segments) and copy it along the z axis. Then the next one I try and make shorter by one segment and then copy that along the z axis until the line is only one segment.


The problem I am having is I just dont know how to make this occur or if it can be done with grasshopper. Do I need to pursue VB or C++ Scripting to achieve it?


I have included a copy of the file I am working on at the moment, the bottom thread is the one trying to create one face of the facade.


Model in GH


Edit: Sorry forgot to add, thanks to anyone who takes the time to reply or read!

Views: 932

Replies to This Discussion

You'll want to use Region Difference (intersect > shape > RDiff) in this case.
I made a start at this. Hope it helps.

Once again you have been a fantastic help. The problem you are encountering with the corner is the limit of the design.


When I complete the project I will make every effort to annotate it well and post it back up here so someone else might be able to gain from it.

This is what I was aiming for, pretty much the same as yours but minus a few steps.
it's not touching the ground Josh...
This is a fantastic solution in my mind. Its a real programmers solution!






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