I wanted to know how to create a sine curve between 2 or 3 points? I have tried 3point arc but thats not the effect what I want. So I would be grateful if anyone could answer!
Thanks for the reply Andy! Actually the example in primer uses a range to create a set of numbers. But what I want is to draw a sinusoidal curve between 2 or 3 given points. When I tried to use range again, the points were created near the origin and not using the given points.
Try to build a guide line first between these points, divide that curve and move the points along perpendicular vectors.
Just an idea, I don't know if it works.
Thanks Andrea. That would be an interesting way to approach the problem. But I feel there must definitely be a way to do it 'right' and I don't know it because I'm a beginner.
I tried using the exact definition like you said. I have 2doubts.
1 - When I try to apply this component onto a surface in a different plane [ex: the component is in x-axis and the surface is in z-axis], it doenst work.
2 - It doesnt apply smoothly when applied to an uneven surface [ie not a perfect rectangle/ square]