i don't want to moan, for GH is a free tool (which makes it so popular), but it is obvious it's yet not stable.
It crashes every time two wrong components are connected leaving the only solution of shutting the entire Rhino session for it immediately jams all of CPU.
This is totally annoying when happening unexpected thus the definitions and rhino project weren't saved in the latest status.
So it would be immensely helpful if in the next GH release component slots would only eccept wires from components which transmit the correct kind of values/information/data/dimension etc.., and reject all others, along with a more useful hint and advise in the slot info-tag.
Please take a look at this for it would be a huge progress, maybe the most important.
Also: please make the selection status and info-tags of all the buttons and menu options less nervous and remain longer.
Those are my improvements suggestions,