
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

how to enter the extent of rotation/revolution value-expression


i haven't figure out yet in which format the value of an euklidish transformation like rotation/revolution etc. is to be entered and where.

for example i'd like to revolve a curve round an axis but don't know or see where to determin the extent/degree of the revolution.
I assume in the expressions field of the revolution component but in what form - deg, degr, degree?
I don't know, and in the manual/help there's no instruction to that.
Also, when i select curve and axis and enter simply a value via integer-or slider-component attached to the Angle-slot there is no rotation surface created/visible.



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Angles are in radians. The revolution component asks for an interval. By default it's set to 0 to 2*PI, which is the same as 0 to 360° degrees. You can use the ° character after the number to specify degrees, although once you get used to radians i find it more intuitive than degrees.

And where?

aaaahh:) ok. Thanks.

But seriously,
who is supposed to come upon the idea that the opposite abbreviation has to be used to obtain the actual desired result? Meaning Deg = Rad and Rad = Deg.

Also that the name of the component has to be identical with the name of the slot?
Why is the result constrained to the name?
Aren't only the input value and dimension relevant?

Ooh, by the way,
since obviously (but not comprehensibly) the slot's and the component's names have to match eachother exactly, why is it possible to copy but not to paste characters within the components menus, names- and expressionsfields?

Things would be alot easier if pasting was possible.


You're actually right, I mucked up my explanation so I deleted the post and fixed it.

You can also use expressions.

Rad(x) ....see definition below

You can use expressions on the input to a component looking for an angle or on the output from a slider.

You can find the degree character in the arithmetics section of the expression editor. I don't know if there's a keyboard shortcut.

No, your definition and the ones in the list are wrong.
It is oddly the oppisite around as i questioned two posts before:

Rad for conversion into Deg and Deg for conversion into Rad.


At least on my side.
Tim, I'm using 0.6.0019 and both deg() and rad() work as it says in the description. As I said on the first post, you can also use the ° to convert degrees to radians.

To clarify, if you write in an expression component:
deg(2*pi) -> returns 360
rad(360) -> returns 6.283 (which is 2*pi)

you don't get the same result?
btw, you don't want to connect result of deg() into a component since the data should be in radians not degrees. Convert to degrees when you want the angle to be displayed as text, for example.
ok, thanks very much so far :)))


I also tried the ° for degree, but for some unknown reason it doesn't rotate the Hexagon to a full 90°.

At 0° it stands perfectly straight.

Does somebody know what is wrong inside?


(if pics are too small, hold strg and turn mousewheel)
ok, one more time...
The Deg() description says "converts an angle in radians to degrees", so if you write Deg(90), it will assume you want to convert 90 radians to degrees.
As i said above, GH wants angles in radians, so you want to convert 90 degrees to radians (the opposite). To do that use Rad(A).

(If you are so mixed up, why don't you try both functions by trial and error and see what happens?)

When using the ° symbol, you have to write some number or variable preceding it. So in your case you want to write A°.






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