
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I am wondering if with grasshopper can be pattern a panel on a surface in a way that the repeating elements are perfectly connected at their boundaries. Please see the attached image (it is based on famous gr tutorial, I just placed there my module..) Among all the examples in the galleries I hardly see this problem solved.

(If its not clear what I mean: I want the elements to be connected smoothly one to each other, without gaps, overlapping, and borders that intersect)
Maybe for this is necessary to know rhino script in addition
Thank you

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thanks a lot
I'm not sure Panelling can be done this way. If you need for there to be no gaps, overlapping etc between your modules then each one has to be generated in situ depending on the curvature and normals etc of the base surface. Therefore no adjacent modules will be the same and therefore not panels.
Hi Aleksandra.
I think you would need to "draw" your component in grasshopper instead of drawing it in Rhino.
After taking a look at your image, you can see the edges of your component do not share the same edge.
If you create a srf, isotrim it, brep components, you can beging to use it's faces, edges and vertices.....avoiding that problem.
I think you are having that problem because you are using a srf box component, so each isotrim srf will have it's own box, so your components will not share the same edge.
Hope it works!!!

I bring the bounding box into box corners which is connected into twisting box as it accepts the 8 corner points of the bbox
There is still very little displacement at the edges but is acceptable
Here's a defintion with 0 displacement.
Everything is done in gh 0.19
Thank you very much Mario!






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