
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Using the Evaluate surface, given as uv the coordinates xy of a point with a range from 0 to 1 I have no trouble moving on a surface.


This starting point (belonging to the surface but also to a curve) must be copied (one or more points) on the curve by moving a distance (or a series of distances) of n meters (or other units) and must be re used,however, with another Evaluate surface. 
The problem is that when the point is copied(moved) on the curve and therefore also on the surface loses its coordinates within therange 0 and 1 and becomes in absolute coordinates.

How can I copy (move) the point on the curve while still maintaining the coordinates between 0 and 1 for use with the surface Evaluate?
Initially I tried manually with a series of proportions but it seems a bit problematic.
Is there another way?


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Hi Mirko, not sure that I understand correctly, but can't you also reparameterize the curve along which you are moving the point? Maybe you can upload your definition so we all can see exactly what you mean, and I can check if I said something relevant to your situation..

I hope the picture can help you to understand the situation.



From that points on the curve that I have, I do not want absolute coordinates, but coordinates between 0 and 1 for the surface

Hi Mirco, maybe you can use the Remap component to stay within the 0 To 1 domain. Hope this helps.
Still, I think you'll get a better answer if you'd upload your definition...

I try to attach the file ..
In practice I tried to do the remap by a simple proportion ..

coordinate value of original point (between 0 to 1): length between original point and edge of the surface =

unknown coordinates of the new point copied on the curve : length between new point and edge of the surface


I hope you understand the problem better now, or else try to do a drawing of proportion.

If there are better solutions, I look forward to!

Hi Mirko, I'm sorry I can't help you very much here.
I hate to say maybe again, but maybe you could let go of the idea that the uv coordinates must be within the 0 to 1 domain (it's not compulsory if you don't reparameterize your surface). I think your remapping method is wrong, since the length and width of the surface are not directly comparable to its U and V domains.
I hope (if you decide to stick with the remapping) that my explanation of what I meant with remapping helps, and that someone else will be able to help you with this one!






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