
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

free-form shaped roof, made of plain rectangle - how?

I am looking for a way to manipulate with the free shaped organic surface using grasshopper.
I want to manipulate the shape from the regular plain rectangle, up to free form shaped made out of this rectangle. It doesn't need to me something complicated, it can look like this some of these roofs for example:


Where can I find that kind of Grasshopper file, that will enable me doing this?

Thank you.

Views: 551

Replies to This Discussion

mh, to control a surface you can use lofted curves.

thank you for the reply Dedackelzucht.

I simply need do asign the curves, and then I can manipulate their shape with the file you attached? Then after it, I can loft the surface from those curves?

You do not need to draw the lines. You can use points you set in grasshopper as editpoints/controlpoints to design the curves. its up to you how you want to do it. its up to you how much you want to make paramatric.

thank you for the reply and help once again Dedackelzucht.


The problem is that, I am a Grasshopper beginner, and the only way I know how to use a Grasshopper file, is by assigning a certain curves from the Rhino, to Grasshopper, and then changing it's parameters (by moving the sliders in Grasshopper).


this is why, I do not know how to use this Grasshopper file you gave me :(






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