
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys,.I am new to GH, just started learning,.. So i dont have a deep knowledge of the Terminology in GH, i have a small problem i will try to explain it in a simple language,Let me know if you guys have a solution
i took three curves,.. two on the xy plane and 3rd curve is elevated a bit in Z Axis,..
Now i have divided these three curve into 20 divisions each,... So i got 20 points on each curve,.. finally i got three sets of points(set of 20 points on first curve, and then 2nd curve and 3rd curve),.. i want to draw a spline or a curve inbetween the 1st points(0.0 of 1st set, 0.0 of 2nd set, 0,0 of 3rd set) of the three sets,.. and then 2nd points of the three sets, and so on,..
How can i do it in one go,.??
Does any one know how to do it,..Please let me know


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See attached file, that might help you.
Thank you, that was a good explanation of how to use the Data Path together with Tree Branch. Very useful.

Another way of solving this is by dividing the three curves separately and then using the Graft component to put each point on a separate path.

Or another method allowing you to select all 3 (or more) curves at once.

Hey guys,.. thanks a lot for so many solution.
I tried all the above 3 solutions,.. But i tried the same and i could do it with LINE and POLYLINE,.. But i actually wanted to draw a CURVE which i am not able to do, is it a mistake of the CURVE doesnt work like the LINE and POLYLINE,..??
Or how do i achieve a CURVE inbetween the first points of the 3 sets,.??
I am also attaching the file with this.
Just take a look at the file.
Got it,... awesome,..! thank you soo much,.. i really appreciate every one in this community for their involvement and enthusiasm,..
After ur inputs i tried to do some more in the same file, but i got stuck up in between again,..
In the attached file i have marked and written my question in the text panels.
Can you please check and let me know?
First problem, because you feed the List Item with to high numbers, you get a lot of null items. Either change the Series or use Clean Tree

Solution: Clean Tree

At "1" in your definition, right-click the List Item and click on runtime warnings. It says supplied index to high. You are feeding it a series of numbers where the largest number is 59. But the List only contains 31 items.
At "1" for the 'series' i have put a seperate slider with "15" as input,.. now it is not showing the error message,.. but still im not able to achieve the final curve at the end of the defination, you know why ,.??
The weave component outputs 300 paths, but a lot of them are empty. Say that you change the step size in all those series to 1 instead of 2, that would get rid of a lot of null values. That is probably not what you want, it's just a simple example that will make the interpolated curve component in the end of the definition work.
I just added the file again.
Hey rafi,.. Could you tell me where was the mistake?? I dont see much change in the defination,.. but you could get it,.. How??






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