
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,

Due to my current needed, I try to converting tri-mesh to quad-mesh.

Is there any solution I can convert this kind of tri-mesh geometry to rigid quad-mesh?

Views: 1674


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Try the Catmull-Clark Subdivision from Weavebird. It subdivides the mesh in quad faces. Is that what you are looking for?


Thanks Beka
But the quad mesh i aim for is something look like this  

How did you get the mesh to begin with? Did you start from a simple topology and then get the minimal surface approximation using MeshMachine or some other similar approach? You'll want to manage it from the start of the process, rather than trying to take an unstructured mesh like this and get the type of regular results you're looking for.

Hi David,

Thanks for replying.

And this is how I get this mesh. 

I understand the way I'm using its kind of rough and informal. 

I've tried different approach to get this kind of minimal surface but doesn't went well. ;(

A decent result, but still quite a few unnecessary singularities in there considering the overall object topology. If the aim is for construction (as in the reference photo) it'd be better to start from an improved position and re-apply a subdivision/relaxation approach.

Hi Nik, WOW amazing work! That's the kind of result I want. But I can't use the component you made. It just keep turning red...

The key is to identify the topology of your surface.

In this case it appears it is a scaled version of the Schwarz P surface, which has the same topology as the mucube.

So you can generate your clean mesh topology just from subdivision of a cubic form like this:

You can then relax it with whatever boundary conditions you like if you want to get it as a minimal surface.

Hi Daniel, Thank you so much for these information, it helps me a lot. Tho I'm still struggled at trying to make those mesh box relax to the shape I want. Thanks again!

Here's the base mesh I used:







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