
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi there, I am probably too tired and can't remember this basic thing but for some reason I cannot make a point move along a curve. I've checked couple of other topics and they didn't help as well. 

I basically want the point to move between the ends of a line with the help of a slider, I've tried remapping, I've tried evaluate curve, but I got stock after some point. Any help would be appreciated.

P.S. The reason I divided the curve into two segments is to get the middle point and move it along the curve.

Views: 13603


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I didn't get your second photo but I used the "point on curve" command and I didn't even have to remap, worked perfectly.

Thank you very much!

I meant that another option is ''evaluate curve''. U put a number slider into the parameter input and enjoy. But it is neaded to set the range of the slider properly

Will keep that in mind next time, thanks again!

Or reparam C input of eval and use a slider that goes 0 to 1 






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