
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello, Im new in grasshopper, and I ve tried a definition that works for an axis that is linear, however when I try to do the same thing for a curve, there are some interpolation problems... 

Thank you

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Few pointers for the forum. If you are using multiple plug ins (I see you have l systems there) you should write it here so people know what they need to help. Also the definition is massive, you should cut it down to the problematic part or remake just that part. Lastly, you can internalize any referenced data (right click parameter that has a rhino reference and hit internalize) this way you wont need to send the rhino file. 

With that said what actually is the issue with your screenshot? What is weird about it? what were you expecting? This type of information will help. 

Thank you for the explanation, I uploaded the definition with the part that isnt working, and the references are internalized. Now, the screenshot was the ideal result, what I expected,  but when I try to do the same for de second definition, because the axis is curved, the results are weird. 


I get an error when opening your definition. It says the input curve is invalid. 






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