
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone, I am trying to create a faceted surface and I am dealing with a little bit of a roadblock.

I triangulated a surface and created points on each of the connections, then I created points from the centers of the same triangles and extruded them randomly.

So, when you connect the center point with 2 corner points, it should create a triangular surface. However, when I use Delaunay surface to do this, it connects to more points then it should and creates a weird surface. You can check the attached image for reference. The image on the left is when I "bake" my definition, and the image on the right is when I bake the points only, and manually connect them in Rhino. As you can tell, manually doing them would take a lot of time. Is it possible to solve this in grasshopper?

Views: 1100

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Try not to "Flatten" Delaunay mesh's input "P".

I had tried that before and it didn't work. I just tried again, and this is what I get;

Check attachment.


Thank you very much, I appreciate it. I can find other ways to have straight edges, or connect them manually, better than doing the whole thing :)






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