
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone! I'm trying to do ad integrated daylight and energy simulation. I've got a simple room with floor, ceiling and 3 walls adiabatic. Only one isn't adiabatic and it has 2 windows on it. To set the elements I used CreateHBsrfs and I added "Adiabatic" in the EPBC input. Since the EnergyPlus results weren't what I expected, I checked the idf file and I discovered none of the element is adiabatic. Furthermore, the simulation doesn't use the materials I set up for the not-adiabatic wall.

I even tryed with MakeAdiabatic, MakeAdiabaticbyname and MakeAdiabaticbytype.
With the first and second the problem is still the same.
With MakeAdiabaticbyType, if I change one wall type in the CreateHBsrfs, it still remains the same type in EnergyPlus, so it makes all the walls adiabatic.

Is there something I can do?
I attach the GH file
Thanks in advance


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The open office program overrides boundary conditions assigned by you.




To second Devang, there's no need to use the "Masses2Zones" component in your file.  You are already creating the zone with the "createHBZones" component and there's no need to re-create it afterwards.  Just plug your zoneProgram to the "createHBZones" component and things should work as you expect.


HI! Thank you both for your replies! Sorry if I didn't answer before but I didn't see Devang's reply. 
It seems like it works now! thank you very much!







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