
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

I have a mesh that is divided into a number of distinct and separate mesh parts.

Each of these parts must have a different color.

In the end I must have a "slider" that allows me to turn off or turn on (with transparency) the entire mesh composed of the various parts.

This is mesh divided in mesh's parts:

Who can help me get this?
Thank you

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No help for me? :(

Please, anyone can help me? Thanks!!

You'll likely get a bigger response by following David's guide here.

It is always difficult to help with no file model ... From you. It is quite simple if meshes are on a list
Count the elements
Make a series of integer
Plug that's in a gradient
Plug that in a display component

There are many examples in this forum.
If mesh not in list explode it or disjoint it.

I attach here .gh file and .3dm file of what I want to obtain!
In the sphere there are 4 horizontal divisions. Each one of these divisions contains different parts with different color.
What I want to obtain in Gh is 4 "on/off" controllers that turn on and off four different divisions with the same color like as in Rhino.

Can you help me in some way?


Hope it is what you want !  You have not 4 divisions but 16 meshes. You can group mesh if you want just 4 colors. 

As I said I put list length , series, gradient ... so basics components. Did you learn tutorials ?


Thank you!!! This is really what I want. 
There is a unique problem. 
See the images:

In this image you can see all object with 0% transparency.

In this image you can see the ball with 95% transparency and the cube that become hidden on the shape of ball! Why? This is not expected result for me!

In attachment new .3dm and .gh files of problem! Thank you.

I have not my PC now. Did you hide all your meshes ?
You must have just the custom preview in light grey. All other must hide their geometry. There must be no geometry visible in rhino.

I've hidden all geometries in Rhino! Nothing appears in rhino. I just left custom preview in gh!

I look at the file I don't know !! There is not the same problem with the cube ???

I also use Human plugin, not better. 

No, with cube there isn't problem! I attach image of cube with correct transparency and ball not hidden from cube!

It is impossible to resolve this problem for me! :(






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