
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

This is a knee-jerk release to fix two serious crash-bugs and an annoying formatting bug.
EXE Installer
ZIP Installer

Bug Fixes:
- The QuadTree and OcTree components would crash if coincident points were supplied. This is fixed.
- Point and Plane formatting inside Expression component did not work correctly. This is fixed.

New Features:
- OffsetCurveOnSurface component added
- ExtendCurve component added
- PointInsideBrep component added
- Export High-Resolution Image item added to File menu (this is a work in progress)

David Rutten
Robert McNeel & Associates

Views: 4647

Replies to This Discussion

Hi David,

thanks for the new release, specially for _OffsetCurveOnSurface exactly what I was looking for. But I get some strange result and generating the preview takes for ever. Am I doing something wrong?

Greetings from Munich, Wieland

P.S. I like the Export High-Resolution... works fine.

_OffsetCurveOnSurface seems to offset more than one curve on a surface. If the offset is so large that only one curve fits on the surface it works:

Thanks for the fix.
Thanks for the hard work
I do not have problem sending to Rhino. However, when it comes to loading from Rhino
the object does not appear to be updated. It only gets updated when I toggle the 'Draw OpenGL Sprites'
Hi Philipp,

I'm not sure what the problem is exactly (I cannot read azbuki). Did you succeed in running Grasshopper before? If so, this is most likely due to a botched installation. Can you try and uninstall and manually remove all Grasshopper versions?

If this doesn't help, you can try one more thing; start Rhino anew and run the GrasshopperDeveloperSettings command. Then toggle the checkbox for "Memory load...", close the window and run the Grasshopper command.

I'll be back in the office starting next monday, at which point I'll be able to provide some more robust support.

oh, I reinstall rhino and now all works correctly, thnx a lot

Thank you for your great work!However, there are a number of bug:Control panel to update the data is not synchronized

Yes, I noticed a lot of issues with this too...

slider type:integers
when the supper's value is less than 10,the lower's value will be negative
Hi David!

Thanks for the amazing tool.
Keep up the good work!

Peter Mehrtens
Hi David

I think i found a bug, but i don't know if it is related to the update-issues in release 19.

When i rebuild the solution the cull-pattern components does not update - is this a bug?

Best regards






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