
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I have setup UWG, Matlab etc (2015b, not latest version of Matlab) as per instructions. 

To check the installation works I have downloaded and tried running the Singapore example file. 

Step 1 runs.

Step 2 fails. Error Message is that the weather file is missing. I think this is because of the space in the file name that appears to have crept in in the 2017-06-05_1-17-57 image attached. This is presumably in the UWG component within Dragonfly

The actual error message states "Could not find version 9.0 of the Matlab runtime. And a few other explanatory words. I cannot replicate this now, but part of the problem seemed to be on the first run that the path in which Dragonfly was looking for UWG was C:\ladybug\\UWG.

I am wondering if this is because of the code shown below. It seems to me that the code at lines 980-988 in the Dragonfly "Main" component sets the UWG program to be in folder DragonFly_Installation\UWG\ BUT in lines 112-119 the Dragonfly_Installation is set to C;\ladybug\ 

Code at: lines 980-988 in Dragonfly main component

if checkIn.letItFly:
sc.sticky["dragonfly_release"] = versionCheck()

if sc.sticky.has_key("dragonfly_release") and sc.sticky["dragonfly_release"]:
folders = df_findFolders()
sc.sticky["dragonfly_folders"] = {}
if folders.UWGPath == None:
if os.path.isdir(sc.sticky["Dragonfly_DefaultFolder"] + "\\UWG\\"):
folders.UWGPath = sc.sticky["Dragonfly_DefaultFolder"] + "\\UWG\\"


Earlier (Lines 112-119) the Dragonfly_DefaultFolder was set thus:

#set up default pass
if not self.folderIsSetByUser:
if os.path.exists("c:\\ladybug\\") and os.access(os.path.dirname("c:\\ladybug\\"), os.F_OK):
# folder already exists so it is all fine
sc.sticky["Dragonfly_DefaultFolder"] = "c:\\ladybug\\"
elif os.access(os.path.dirname("c:\\"), os.F_OK):
#the folder does not exists but write privileges are given so it is fine
sc.sticky["Dragonfly_DefaultFolder"] = "c:\\ladybug\\"

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Sorry for the late response.  Your interpretation of what is going on is correct.  You are having trouble running the MATLAB compiler on your system but the generation of the XML is running smoothly.  By default, Dragonfly installs the actual UWG Engine in C:\ladybug\UWG\ and the MATLAB compiler installs in the C:\Program Files (x86)\MATLAB\ folder.  Can you check to be sure that this is where everything is installed on your system?

Could you also confirm that your Dragonfly_Dragonfly looks like this?



Hi Chris

The Dragonfly_Dragonfly looks exactly like that. And that is what led me to suspect what the problem might be: UWGEngine path is set to C:\ladybug\\UWG\ when I suspect it should be C:\ladybug\UWG\ 

And I have checked: UWGEngine.exe is in this C:\ladybug\UWG\ folder. What I was pointing to was the place in the code where I suspected the extra \ character is added...






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