
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,

After constucting planes using origin points and vectors that define x,y axis there is a problem with the Z axis. Some planes have randomly reversed Z axis. There is a problem with the orient component used after that. Any ideas why is this happening and how to fix it?

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Planes in Rhino and Grasshopper are right-handed. That means that if your index finger points along the x-axis and your middle finger points along y, then your thumb points along z.

You cannot change the direction of the Z-axis without also swapping the x and y axes.

I see, the problem is that when I use the orient component things get upside down randomly because of that.

Well it's not random, it's because of your x and y axis directions. You mentioned that you set them specifically, so how do you determine them?

I'll try to be brief.. The orient points of the planes have been already set according to a previous procedure. Using these orient points I construct x,y vectors based on the direction of my structure. So the result is a data tree of planes with different Z axis. When I say random, I mean that I am focused how to collect form the data tree these planes that need to be reversed in order to have my orient component work properly.


So it sounds like what you want to do is actually create a plane based on Origin point, X-Axis direction and Z-Axis direction, and let the Y-Axis be whatever it needs to be.

There's no direct component for this, but you can re-order your axes once you've made a single plane. The x-axis stays the same. The origin stays the same. The y-axis is set to be the flipped z-axis:

Hyungsoo's solution is very flexible as well and you may need that if you do not have as much freedom setting up the initial planes as assumed in this file.


sorry for the belated reply..I've just tested both ways and they worked. Hyungsoo's solution fits better in my case because of the true false option. I still have problem with the oriented geometry because y axis is reversed so the geometry is like mirror. I think I'll find a way to fix that. I'm looking forward to that new component!!


You can fix the problem after the fact.


Thanx Hyungsoo!

this true false option was realy helpful in my case..but i still have a problem with the oriented geometry because of the reversed y axis, as you can see in the reply photo above

Incidentally I added a [Plane Flip] component to the latest Grasshopper WIP, it allows you to reverse the direction of X, Y and/or swap both axes. So it takes one plane and three booleans, and outputs a single plane. You'd still have to decide which planes need flippin', but at least that step will be easier in the future.






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