
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

manipulating a list of points with a list of angle values

Hi everyone,

I have a curve with 10 points, and I would like to rotate them, each one with a different angle value. 

I tried using cherry picker, but for some reason it doesn't work, it doesn't let me change the item picked, the component is un-clickable (i'm using Grasshopper in RhinoWip for mac, so maybe that's the problem..?). 

I would love any idea for a better way to do it, or a way to make the cherry-picker component work... 

Thanks a lot!

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Your description does not seem to match to your title of post at all. Cherry picker won't work as you might think and it will not be the fault of it.

Have a look at the attachment.


Works perfectly, thanks a lot!

In the end it's very simple and I was just over-complicating things...






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