
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Polyline through polar arrayed curves. -Data Manipulation Problem-

Hello everyone!

I'm trying to make a polyline across some points that are the result from a curve subdivision but the curves where made by polar array so when I plug the polyline component to the result of the subdivision in some point the order of the list structure changes maken a polyline different than the one I desire.

I think that its because the curves where made by a polar array so the direction of the curve changes at some point.

I tried to solve it by flipping the curves before the division but had no luck. Maybe its abot reversing the data inside some branches but that would require to specifically retrieve the "reversed" branches and apply the operation to them. I would like a solution that is more general (that works whithout having to retrieve specific branches) and less specific in the terms I mentioned before.

In advance, thanks!





Views: 457

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The reason for such flipped directions is not for the polar array but for the algorithm inside catenary curve component, I guess.

I'm not sure it's a bug or not. Anyway, you can unify catenary curce directions easily.


thanks! it helped me a lot.

would you mind to explain what every component does?

thanks again!






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