
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

After opening grasshopper it immediately starts eating up all of my available ram. I'll open rhino and the memory usage goes up to around 3 gb, but after opening grasshopper (just a blank file) the usage goes up to 13-14 and then slowly keeps climbing from there. Is there a way I can fix this?

Views: 1669

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Hi Kurt, I had similar problem before, check this post and see if it helps.

I haven't been doing incremental saves, but I have been working on a fairly large grasshopper file for the past few days. I tried relocating the file and clearing the recently opened files from memory but still haven't had any luck.

Here's before opening grasshopper:

And after:

Can you try to open your large GH file in a different computer and check:

1. if you can reproduce the problem

2. reduce the size of the GH file, if you can open it, by saving those components stored with large amount of data in a different file.

... not sure what else I can help ...

There's a YouTrack item for this now. As soon as I get back into the office next week I'll try and fix this. Thank you all for narrowing it down, it's really been a great help.

Thanks for the help!

Incidentally in case you missed it elsewhere, if you clear the entire MRU list from the Preferences (Files category) this problem goes away.

I just tried this and it says "The MRU list currently contains 437 files". I click Remove all files and confirm deletion. It then says "The MRU list currently contains 0 files".

I close Rhino, open it again, start GH and boom "The MRU list currently contains 437 files".. say what!? :/

The same thing is happening to me, it seems clearing the MRU doesn't actually clear it.






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