
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Has this website got a new address?

Seems everyone who used to be on this site has gone!?

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I remember its all about Grasshopper 2!


I'm still here.

It's quite common though for early adopters to only be active during the beta-phase. I imagine once GH2 becomes available we'll be seeing a bunch of old faces again. Others of course have moved on with their lives and no longer care about GH. I also imagine there's probably a few who are just dead. People die all the time...

I think it's definitely quieter. But that's a good sign that most things are on here and that those experts have moved on...

I hope the new site and software are as insightful.

P.s. There are a few Excel plugin components but will GH 2 have its own? And has GH1 got an approved plugin component in your opinion?

I am letting others use the GH interface and remote control, and excel is another simple interface... and is connected to the future of design, as Phillipe Starck suggested which he believes will make us design 'coaches' and 'trainers' to hold the hands of the manufacturer or the end user and GH is emerging (for me) as the key. The skill I believe is choosing the best design drivers in the modelling and geometry, and I feel programmers will pride themselves in creating useful domains or ranges for clients to pick solutions from.

But how to do it now with GH1..? I have a handful of clients crying out for the simpler interface, so excel is important now (with live update). Any pointers would be good.

Thanks for the support.

I suppose it's the hard workers that help develop the product the most.

A reward system maybe? A top ten chart?

Every question, even if fishing for direct help... in an open forum will often, I think define the laziest or best route to a solution. The fact that are only a percentage who have worked hard enough to supply an answer is another reason they leave... success in research and experience. It's a win win?

Interesting chat.

But what about excel and live updates. Which is the best? Will GH 2 have it built in.. ?

And will the helpful get a free upgrade?






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