
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Greetings! I am a beginner at Grasshopper. I have found one tutorial on youtube, which I find very good. However, all of the icons are ununderstable because the exampe was solved on older version on Grasshopper. Can somebody tell which icons they are?

This is the tutorial I have found:

Also I have drawn in Rhino model that I want create using Grasshopper:
Is there any better and simpler way to do this? For me is also important that truss does not rotate verticaly.

Thank you in advance

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Hello, Nikola.

To me , all of the components in your referenced video tutorial seems valid at this point. so I don't know why you can't understand.

Follow carefully and try again.

Thanks for answering. Problem is that the icons only have symbols on them. Can you just name them all? I can not find all of them.

Just check out the predictable components on the menu. Perhaps they are most likely "Rectangle", Perp Frame","Explode" "Cull Pattern", "Weave"."Entwine"... etc.

Of course there are differences in personal preferences, but I prefer icons rather than names, because there are quite a few overlapping components as you can see in the screencap by name.

And also, if you use icons, you can see that it occupies less space on the GH canvas. So, if possible, I would advise you to get used to it.

Thank you!!!

The icons haven't changed, as far as I can tell.  I didn't bother to make all the 'Pipes' smooth, though I did connect them to the same radius slider.

Use 'Display | Draw Icons' to toggle between icons and labels.


Wow!!! Thank you very much!!!

One last question... Rectangles are taking for the center of xy their position along the curve. Therefore are the all rotated according to their position on the curve. Can can I align them toward default xy plane so that their bottom lines of rectangle are always horizontal and vertical line keep 90 degrees?

Not "the center of xy"; one corner of the rectangle touches the curve.  The twist is due to "torsion".  You can 'Align' the perp frames to the 'Z' direction.

P.S.  ALWAYS good to post code and/or Rhino file so we can use your model (curve) instead of making our own, which may not represent the problem accurately.  The "rail" curve in my original post was planar, this one has some vertical displacement.


Thank you once again! It works great!






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