
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi, I attach a definition where - as far as I can see - a contour is outputting a non planar nor closed curve where it was supposed to output a closed one or at least an open but planar :) ... 

solved with boundaries ... - at least this case - 

I wonder if it's my mistake, but in any case I'm very curious about what's going on ...

-- many thanks and congrats David for you work ! -

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Check attached. In particular see what the top most info panel has to report (join) with regard the curves out of the contour Method.



Many thanks Peter, it has been an honor to get your feedback

While I check on your code snippets, sure you already know either what's happening with BBradial as depicted in the attachments..  so i can continue shaping my image of what's going on behind the GH scenes and reorient my efforts on what's clever to study ..


 you made me think up to realize that also anyone can program .... even us (system analysts.. ;P)

i'm also one that finds in GH a different animal ... clearly feel that things in IT are no longer the same as before this approach of programming.

GH, but also Sverchock, nodered..  are SO open and versatile, that this is an inflection point in history, no doubt ..


great jobs those you've done

and great the help you give to people, many thanks !!

 pls don't get divorced nor mortgage your house, 

design a yacht for your wife, then... the bike ;))

I should ask you later about your Ducati... i had an XR600 and cant imagine what the heck feels to have more than 100hp to drive


Hmm ...

Serious matters first: that #%$%# Panigale (205 ponies to play) fried (AGAIN) the ECU due to some droplets of rain that caused this, this and that > this proves that we're talking genuine Italian stuff (life sucks). But wait a minute ... maybe the RabidBike Evo used played a role as well? (life sucks).

Moral: life sucks.

Semi-serious matters next: I've already designed (under construction by yours truly, ETA: 2045++) something for the wife. She said that's not a yacht ... just a @#$@$# speedboat for 2 (life sucks). She also noticed discouraging facts (and figures) related with my bank account.

Moral: marry Caroline of Monaco (or some equivalent).

PS: I do hope that you know how to handle 3dPDF stuff (model tree [isolate], sections ... etc etc)


great job Peter. the same goes for all the other you published.

I'm specially intrested (and have some miles traveled)  in making models for real.

far more simple than most of yours (but revolutionary anyway ;))

Since 2014 i begun to get back into the construction biz for some dozen main reasons, one of them being the highly increased availability of this kind of software "power", and robotics.

first project ended by 1stQ 2015 was focused on the development of a parametric block for construction. (almost sure the first parametric product designed in Uruguay, and probably one of the few first of this kind globally...)

Far from being a complicated model. In fact the standard model is extremely simple, key thing is that is fully parametric...

dimensions, materials, textures, colors... and so on

second key thing is that the main common component of the blocks (an EPS core) is robotically machined...

the blocks are  the base of a construction system (oriented mainly - though not restricted only - to residential buildings) that

  - is based on digital models, tendentially to be used in parametric models of buidings

  - lab tested to prove to be 1.5 times as compression resistant than traditional bricks and blocks. (autoportability up to two stories buildings)

  - has recently proved (due to size) to be 300% more efficient than the classic and 200% more efficient than steel frame in (our country official figures)

check it out here 



  - and it's aimed to be mass produced and handled by robots...

this project ended on 1H 2016

and i filed 4 patents in the process.

3 of them of mechanical devices designed as extensions for a cnc machine i own

and the fourth (

the patent related specifically with the blocks ) included a dozen of innovations (believe me...i have almost 15 yrs in the biz, and are coool stuff...)

along the project I've been working with inventor, even knowing in advance it will lack the kind of features I wanted to program many things... (lisp, VB, etc.... all same species of -prehistoric - animals) to leverage the tool to the sky - and far beyond... -

but was an alternative valid by that time because it allows the implementation of some form of parametric models, had a local representative and some supposedly skilled guys in the neibourhood....

but life is hard... and none of the latter two rendered me any significant help

so I had to take the tour myself...

- mind i never regret to do things that others cant -

and finish what i start

this one was a great project for many figures... and ended with more results than the ones commited to accomplish...

... some more history here ....

then because of a customer who brought a ZHA project ! to quote..., I crossed with rhino, and then met GH again to notice to my great joy and pleasure, in what kind of animal it had developed...

since money talks I'm investing hard on getting up to the expectations, and beyond as i usually do...

and thats how we met..

2017-2018 it's the time frame to build two robots. first one is a prototype to handle the k-nano blocks in the production process, delivery AND at the construction site ( a "smart crane" we nicknamed...)

the other one is the first prototype of robot to assist in the fabrication (smart blocker we called it to be creative ! ;))

then by 2018-2019 i'll be making a "kinda contour crafter" machine to complete the pie :) (you'll be interested on this..)

i guess you already know what all this has to do with GH...

i already have all the components i can imagine to do almost all i ever wanted to do in relation to this set of projects

but in almost a single tool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i can design, animate, render, optimize, simulate and even robotic simulate..

so, i have to ask...

is there a chance you might be interested in helping us in some projects we are starting on march and june 2017 (8 and no more than 18 months of duration respectively) ?

sent you a friend request, for the case you might be interested to continue by e-mail...

in any case many thanks for your help and inspiration !

best regards !

long happy marriage, and large figures bank account !






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