
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I am trying to convert a sketchup mesh to catmull clark using weaverbird. I was able to do so successfully. However, my faces increased a lot. I want to reduce the number of faces and make them large. The subdivision type must remain catmull clark. Please help.

I have uploaded the 3dm file and the grasshopper file in this Google Drive folder

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Try to reduce the number subdividing iteration level input.

Kindly bear with me. I'm a newbie. What's the procedure for this reduction? Please post w screenshot or a Grasshopper file.

I tried again. Still no luck. 

See attached.

good luck.

How did you make it? Please attach a Grasshopper file as well. Thank you so much for this file.

I am waiting for your reply. Kindly provide a grasshopper file or a step by step method to achieve what you did. 

You can find a quad remesher => 

there is one in Rhino WIP/6/Serengeti

You can use Evolute TMAP

Or Instant Mesh

I downloaded instant mesh. I am unable to run it as it does not have any .exe file to run. 

I will think you don't know a file extension or zip files. I hope you are able to search on the web or there is no hope! So my advice is search on Internet what is a zip file and how to unzip.

probably you download the github project, look down the page for these...

Pre-compiled binaries

The following binaries (Intel, 64 bit) are automatically generated from the latest GitHub revision.

Microsoft Windows
Mac OS X

@Laurent, the zip file that I extracted did not have any .exe files. I accidentally downloaded the wrong one. 

@dvdrbls. thanks for the link. I installed it and it ran successfully. 






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