
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

"An exception was thrown inside the drawing pipeline:

Source System.Drawing

Type: The Task was finished succsessfully."


Since a couple of days my computer tells me that really bad stuff....sometimes it comes after the second click in gh....

I haven´t found some it happens in nearly empty sheets or in existing files....i´m really helpless now.... :-(



Does it sound familiar to somebody?, or can somebody help me with that?




Views: 708

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Hi Kim,


that error message doesn't look like an error message. I have not seen it before. Do you have a pure GH installation or have you installed additional plug-ins as well?


And what (if anything) changed since a few days ago?



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

To elaborate, 'finishing a task' is typically not a good reason for a crash. I also cannot find anything remote similar on the web about such a crash, and the text "The Task was finished successfully" does not appear anywhere in the Grasshopper source.


So if (and I say if) this problem is caused by a grasshopper plugin, it would explain all those oddities.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hi David,


thanks for your answer..."The task...." was roughly translatet from german, because that part is in german....

I´ve tried the files on another computer with a nativ grasshopper without any plug ins and the problem was the same....

Also I´ve tried it with worked for 2 hours without a problem than the curse returned...

Now I can say that installing rhino and grasshopper totally new is also not the solution.


Best regards


It's called "The operation completed successfully" in English. It's to do with the way I draw the Grasshopper canvas to the screen. This exception creeps up every now and again in various .NET programs and nobody seems to know why.


I'm rewriting the display plumbing for the next release to no longer use the dreaded BufferedGraphicsContext which has caused so much grief in the past. Hopefully this issue will go away then. In the meantime there's nothing you can do. I don't know why it suddenly started crashing a few days ago, it might be due to a Windows Update, those have been known to cause mysterious behavioural changes occasionally.


I'll try and get the next build out as soon as I can, but it will be a few days at the very least.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia



Thank you






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