
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

can someone please help me to build a jaali pattern for a facade as it looks in image iattached with this post?
circles are extruded in Z direction 1''.

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Since you know the radius for each column of circles, you also know how far to move each one so that they stack nicely. It's probably easiest if you use the [Linear Array] component. Other than that I'm not sure what exactly the problem is you're running into.

i cant figure out how to start, can u plese show how to do that, i can copy your file or image and will set a desire gride and redius.

You start by describing in detail how the pattern works. Your sketches are pretty vague. Some of the circles overlap the edge of the facade, is that supposed to happen? What should the minimum spacing between adjacent circles be? Do you pick the position of each circle column by hand or is there a rule that defines it? Does the same spacing rule apply to the circles and the door bounds?

You need to be way more specific otherwise it is not possible to design an algorithm that does what you want.


I think I understand roughly what you're after now, but as an exercise in specificity let me ask the following questions:

(a) should the distance between the bottom-most circle in each column and the bottom edge of the boundary be zero? Because your drawing has gaps in it.

(b) what's the distance between the leftmost edge of the leftmost column and the leftmost edge of the boundary? A variable that you want to control? Same goes for (b). If (a) is set then (b) follows, or if (b) is set then (a) follows, or maybe you want (b) to always be exactly 3 times as big as (a)?

(c) should the boundingboxes of each column be flush with each other, or are circles allowed to intrude upon the adjacent column? Even when they intersect such as at (g)?

(d) when should a column terminate? Should it stop when it starts to intersect the boundary? Should it stop before that (d) or should it stop after (e)?

(f) you have some space between these circles, but your other reply below shows you want the circles per column to be tangent.

Either way, hope this gets you started.

yeahn it is what i want, how to make these circles as a surface, and extruded, each circle will have 1" thickness
each circle touches to each other, and first column will have 300 mm redius and 2nd column will have 350mm redius ,3rd column will have 400mm redius, number of row and column will be same.






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