
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear All,

i created this 'shed roof', the openings of the sheds are controlled by the curve in the middle. This is more ore less that I wanted to do but I cant control the number of sheds easily because my definition is a bit dumb...
Has anyone a suggestion how this can be done more intelligent? Ideally I would like to control the number of sheds by a slider.


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You can use the graft component to get your lines and arcs in separate paths.

Hi Lars,

thank you so much for your help. That's the solution i was looking for...

What is the 'simplify tree' doing to the definition? I still have a hard time understanding tress and branches..
Oh, just took the opportunity to learn a bit myself of trees and branches. There's probably more ways. Anyway, to make the loft only use one line and one arc at the time, it was necessary to put all lines and arcs on their own path. But if you connect a Param viewer after the the two Graft components you'll see that they're on different branches (that's because of the shift list). Then connect the Param viewer to the Simplify Tree instead and you'll notice the difference.
Its quite easy to do this by some short VB code

Hi Eric,

this is very cool thank you!

I now tried to control the curvature of the sheds by a surface.... but neither with your nor with the solution from Lars I can get it to work.

See the attached files.
Which curvature is it..

Or the rotation of the sheds... or...

I want to use the section curves from the deformed surface instead of the arcs.
Somehow the wrong curves get connected...

Hmm, strange. I'll have a look tonight if you haven't solved it by then.
It seems that the section curves goes the opposite way compared to the lines. Just put in a reverse list.

Right click the input for the Reverse list and select Flatten.
Thanks Lars.
This is how it looks now:

I will try to figure out how to make the stripes with a consistent width now. Has anyone ideas how to make this?
Right now you are lofting between a line and a curve. Maybe you could offset the curve and loft between those two curves instead.






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