
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear all,
I recently have installed the WIP version of Rhino couldn't get GHpython to load in grasshopper. Can anybody help to get this fixed?

During the launch of the grashopper plugin, I get a dialog window with the title "grasshopper loading errors". In that window I see one message that I can Export or copy to a clipboard. The content of that message can be find below.

Priority: GhpyLoader
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Views: 1056

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Wei,

are you able to run Python scripts using the _EditPythonScript Rhino command?


Giulio Piacentino
for Robert McNeel & Associates

Hi Giulio, nothing is poping up with that command. I also read the question "Is the IronPython plug-in disabled?" in a warning dialogue after double clicking a python component.

Mh... this explains what is happeing: there is no Python in your Rhino WIP. Now, we need to understand why.

Did you by any chance tamper with installation files, like, did you delete some files, modified the content of the Rhino installation or "optimized" Rhino by disabling plug-ins?

This is how the IronPython folder looks like on my system:


Giulio Piacentino
for Robert McNeel & Associates

The population of that folder seems the same.

In the meanwhile I deinstalled WIP and rhino5, deleted the remaining program file folders, removed mcneel registers.

Re-installed WIP with no luck. I still missed something with uninstall since a custom ribbon button is still there.

Can you please answer the question above, especially regarding "disabling plug-ins?". To check, go to Tools -> Options -> Plug-ins. Check that IronPython is enabled (and present). If not, please can you let me know?

ah, i checked that also. Was set.

Somehow my grasshopper for rhino5 install was completely ruined. Missing components in menu (not related to obscure option). After failing described re-install, I removed all register entries that contain "mcneel". Now grasshopper for rhino5 is working again.

Can rhino5 and wip exist next to each other?

Yes they can.

By the way, both "EditPythonScript" and "_EditPythonScript" command are recognized by the autocompletion. However, executed it will give a "Unknown command" message. And ss earlier stated, the ironpython plugin is enabled.

Not sure whether this give better insight.


  • Can you make 100% sure that RhinoDLR_Python.rhp is existing in:

{drive}:\Program Files\Rhino WIP\Plug-ins\IronPython\RhinoDLR_Python.rhp ?

  • If it does, can you right-click IronPython in the Options panel above (Tools -> Options -> Plug-ins) and choose Properties? Then, please post the resulting dialog here.


Giulio Piacentino
for Robert McNeel & Associates

C:\>dir "C:\Program Files\Rhino WIP\Plug-ins\IronPython\RhinoDLR_Python.rhp"
 Volume in drive C is Default
 Volume Serial Number is CC2F-B7E7

 Directory of C:\Program Files\Rhino WIP\Plug-ins\IronPython

31-Aug-16  11:48 AM         2.204.384 RhinoDLR_Python.rhp
               1 File(s)      2.204.384 bytes
               0 Dir(s)   2.678.534.144 bytes free

Although, it now all works well for Rhino5, I don't remember to have installed the .net stuff for WIP.

Let me refer here the developer in charge of RhinoDLR_Python.rhp to see if he can help with it.






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