
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

So I have a network of curves that I am using as a grid system and I have offset them to create the streets now I want to take the curves and trim them so there are no overlaps and then join the remaining curves so that it forms lots. 

Here is an example of what I want that I did manually in Rhino.

And here are pictures of what I have so far.

Also I am sure I connected the curves in a super inefficient way so any advice on that would be greatly appreciated. I did it connecting points with the polyline component because the Delaunay Edges component was giving me some curves that I did not want.


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I've gotten it this good but it doest work well when only two curves connect.

you can draw a line between outside vertices, then use the offset-loose" component


Here is another approach.


Thanks Hyungsoo!

Hyungsoo, if i try to connect the points with a Delauney Edges component instead of with polyline this method doesnt work. Do you know why that it?

If you have used  "Delaunay Edges", there would be no chance to succeed because they are not "polylines".

Instead, try to use "Delaunay Mesh". Best.


Amazing! Thanks so much!






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