algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Any suggestions for materials and construction techniques other than carbon fiber (expensive), rcc (expensive), fabrication (durability questions) for parametric roof structures? I was thinking about chicken mesh but the reinforcement detail would need an expert. Any ideas from people actually building parametrics?
Also, is there a way to calculate point, dead, live and wind load on a parametric roof via some civil or mechanical software?
Well ... if your topology is "suitable" AND your aspirations are not high (meaning a classy MERO KK ball LBS and bespoke panels [semi-structural/planar opaque/transparent) I would suggest to spend some time to get the gist of this:
Of course there's endless combinations out there ranging from roofs that leak (umbrellas a must) to roofs that are work of art (many dollars a must).
For non modular panels and "easy" nurbs curvatures (if around)... well ... only Foamglas (1 s) is the answer (+ serated plates + SBS membranes + a proper fixing system + VM Zink, Kalzip, Ti sheets etc etc) ... but that requires a certain experience to design and apply.
On the other hand there's the Israelis around as well (best PC roofs by a million miles):
Dear Peter,
Thank you for the information about all these materials. In nutshell, in a nurbs curve based parametric roof for a small span (16meter - 50' approx. max) I will have serated (tongue and groove) or welded beams, foam glass followed by sbs and then vm zinc, kalzip or ti. Is this correct? At the moment, I suggested using box channels, waterproof cement board and aluminum composite on top but I think I will need sbs membrane in between. Let me know!
If you are after continuous opaque skin(s) and you dislike umbrellas this Foamglas schema below is the only solution. Notice the serated plates that allow fixing without penetrations: no other thermal insulation material allows that - thus US rules the world on insulation matters.
However corrugated sheets MAY not the best application medium due to the obvious fact that these can't follow "steep" curvatures (not to mention curvatures in U/V) - thus the decision to use them depends on your Topology.
Of course for big projects ... well ...let's say that we can things that you can't imagine ... but your project is minuscule I'm afraid in order to justify anything other than the "normal" way (laying them and pray that they can follow the curvature).
Pittsburgh Corning (Foamglas maker) provides SPECIALIZED "sheet" materials for that (plywood is a poor man's alternative - avoid at any cost: it's difficult/labor intensive to "form" plywood to follow curvatures and thus irregularities around edges could yield discontinuity on Foamglas). Additionally plywood would require a primary beam grid for fixing.
Of course nothing is impossible ... but for projects far bigger than yours.
For the LBS ... go for a MERO KK ball space frame: kinda a Rolex GMT, a Cigarette TopGun 38, a Ferrari 246 or Juan Valdez coffee ... the yardsticks that is (minus the price, he he). But if I was you I would use the "humble" Geometrica system mentioned already.
Now ... Germans own the space frame market therefor you'll need some help for convincing them to carry the structural analysis as well ... but we'll see what we can do on that matter, he he .
BTW: That said ... er ... doing something in real life IS NOT the same than sketching something: small (simple in most of cases) details make all the difference (for using umbrellas inside the building, that is, he he).
Carefully cover ALL the details imaginable and find someone who can supervise the construction with a merciless attitude (Democratic ways are out of question in construction).
BTW: The yardstick
See attached as well (but killing trees to do human stuff is always a crime).
BTW: Meet the King
I would recommend using wood for small structures with steel connectors
for calculating loads, try Karamba Plugin, what do you think , Peter?
Dear Mohamed,
Thank you, I have thought about using smaller space frames along the nurbs curve to distribute the load but load calculation is always an issue in a small town in India to find the right civil engineer.
Thanks a lot for informing me about Karamba
Well Mohamed ... "outsourcing" MAY be a valid Plan B as well (quite a few space frame makers provide that kind of service as well).
BTW: marine grade plywood ... doesn't last "for ever" you know.
BTW: use only penetrating oil AND NEVER/EVER use varnish for protecting the wood.
hi Peter,
about Not killing trees to make buildings(human stuff)
What do you think about this?
Excellent stuff > Kill and enjoy > the More the Better
Moral: Humans are just an Eco-System virus
Hey Peter, Thank you, I don't think you realise that its incredibly hard to follow what your trying to say. Your all over the place with Foam glass in the centre cantilevering you. (lol). I have a meeting. I will read and try to decipher what your saying.
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