
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello all, good day.

In attached 3dm file i tried to make a column connected from ground to a sloping surface by using: blend srf & loft orders in rhino, but the final result looks bad.on the other hand i tried to design it on grasshopper but also it doesn't work with me.

the reason why i want to do it on grasshopper because i can adjust the length,width & height of the column and i have the possibilities to apply a lot of grids on the column.

below is an example i found it in this website, it's similar to what i need, but the surface is not a slop surface so it doesn't work. in addition this project is what tried to do similar to it Nine Bridges Country Club / Shigeru Ban Architects .

thanks in advance, and looking forward for your cooperation

Views: 6203


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Tom,

Thank you for your suggestions and for your plugins.Regarding the desirable result i can achieve one by doing a lot of experiments on rhino, on the other hand this will not generate a consistent result because there is 4 rows of columns and each column have a different angle that connect it to the roof, therefore i resorted to grasshopper to solve this issue.

Thanks again

few days ago, someone did something similar to this surface, cant remember his name 

please go back and find it

ok, thank you

O you remember what was the discussion title ?

it was about weaving/blending similar columns to a wavy surface 

Hi Bilal

the pattern near the column of the Nine Bridges Country Club / Shigeru Ban it is little bit different from the one that I made in the video.
However I have been doing some tests, and maybe I have understood how you can create something like this.

This is the raw results that I achieve by using a component which I'm writing, in this case I used a simple and fast method to generate surfaces above the column, but there is another method much more accurate, unfortunately it doesn't works in some cases because of the tolerance.

I'll continue doing some tests and write the new version of the component. I'll try to make a GH version of the script.


Hi Antonello, 

Gd job, i hope to you to reach the result that you want.Kindly let me know when achieve it.

In addition if its possible to send me the script i'll be appreciated.

All the best,


Hi Bilal,

Take a look at my new video, I'm very close to a possible good solution.

I'll come back to you with a GH version (native components) of the script.



on my first attempt, i tried two things 

first: a typical curve projection to whatever pattern you have 

second: an isovist ray projection 

the columns them selves are just rotated (polar) and its clearly symmetrical 

at least this what i can see from the image, if you have more details would be better 



Hi Mohammed,

Thanks for your help, its great and i'll work on it and reply to you.

BTW i did it by using rhino orders without grasshopper and still i want to project a grid on a column and surface.

thanks again.



Hi Tom,

Thank you for this amazing work, but there is a problem that when i open the GH file nothing appear on rhino window, however when i bake it then i can see the columns.

In addition i applied what you suggested to me (I strongly suggest to play around with rhino first) {you can the work in attached 3dm file}. Therefore still i have to project a grid on the column and surface, so i started with panelling tools plugins for rhino but still i didn't reach a desirable result.

If you have any idea about how to project a grid on it i'll be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,








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