
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Another question about tree stractur applying into the flat list

Hi All,

there was quite similar question some time ago but even though i still can't resolve my problem:

I have a flat list of random integers and another list with kind of complicated tree structure. Both lists have the same number of items. Now i want to apply my complicated tree stucture on the flat list of random integers so my random list finaly is chopped down by the complicated structure.

is it easy or not ?

thanks a lot for any ideas !


Views: 682

Replies to This Discussion

I made a little cluster to make sub trees, it does what you want:

Plug all the datas you want to reorganize

Plug a length component (which measures the data tree you want to copy)

And that's all.




You will find the component in params/


Try that, I did it over breakfast...not sure it would work in every is the stuff after the 'flat list and tree that matters, input your flat list and tree accordingly.

Yes ! Thank You for your solutions, i teseted both of them.

Luis, this is what i was trying to do... Nevertheless i thought there is much easier soulution based on the ready tree component. For my sublists that works perfect!


The claster seems to be very usefull but why it shows something different then the other solution ? Well, i got what i wanted but it could be nice to know the second solution as well !




The cluster does not show a different solution, the only difference is that the tree as been cleaned (all the 0;0;0; are cleared except one - a mistake that will be corrected)
Hey thibal, thank You for answer,
could You show the screenshot of how u connected your claster to get the right solution ?
It looks like i'm missing something even though i used patch mapper to get read of these zeros...
Here is the file
OK! so easy, I should faltten both lists on input to this claster - that was a missing part ! Thanx again for this gaget !






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