
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello guys,

I have created a surface form in grasshopper and I want to save it in an object form from rhino. So i use the bake command and then that one surface is transformed in many smaller ones in rhino. I can save it in an object form but unfortunately this form is not accepted by the zbrush app where I want to put it. What else can I do to create a less complicated object file. Is there a way to export the grasshopper surface in a one whole mesh or something?

Views: 1427


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It looks like you have created a mesh, not a surface. In 1.JPG you have a surface component that plugs into a mesh component so it is not clear whether you have created a mesh, plugged that into a surface component and then plugged that back into a mesh component. Going back and forth between mesh and surface will not really change anything other than create surfaces from mesh faces and then mesh faces from surfaces.

Perhaps your original "mesh" has not been joined together and is in fact lots of individual mesh faces and all you need to do is join and weld your mesh faces and bake the result into Rhino, then save this as a .obj file format?






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