
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I try to add a cylinder with a sphere and it don't work.

Even by using pipe, extude or cylinder...

A read a lot of comment about pipes addition issues, but on my side volume of cylinder is positive.

Is anybody have a solution?

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Wow! Thank you so mush.
I learned new way that I do not even suspect.

I think I can even increase the speed by making the interaction between prongs and tool upstream of circular repetition.

I gonna work on it.

Done. It's faster. Not enough... But faster anyway.
I have to work on extremes prongs how are also cut by the tool on both sides.


You also rid your main slow Boolean subtraction! I guess I was tired out by only the first union. If I cluster these for timing display, indeed they are quite fast compared to two ten second Booleans:

You're doing an additional faster Boolean subtraction elsewhere though, for your gem tool. If I stopwatch time your whole new script vs. the old one it's 5 seconds for a full Grasshopper menu Recompute vs. 23 seconds, or a whopping 4.6X faster.

You could hunt down slow components and some of those could indeed be Python parallel processed, such as finding intersection curves since you aren't modifying any single base structure, just creating something new.

Also, much of the time time is now actually in your meshing, smoothing and area calculation steps, which are not needed for creative work as you work. With the meshing disabled to cut the script off there, and low quality preview meshing, it's down to 3 seconds for a full Recompute.

If I find time I can create a Python curve intersections-finding script to turbocharge the slowest step in these "manual" Booleans which overall are taking 1.1 of those 3 seconds, and 4X faster in those steps would bring the overall down to 2 seconds instead of 3.






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