
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am a bit lost in this affairs jeje... anybody knows how to get a map in which each country is a closed curve or polyline? 

Maybe from google map? I need also to maintain the coordenates. 

I am trying to make a spatial database and I will use it for making schemes.



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I used the USGS world vector data a while back when creating my dymaxion mapping, but the vector data is not clean (it comes in individual blocks rather than fully closed boundaries). Also the borders between countries are just loose polylines. So it will require a fair amount of (manual) post-processing.

There may be better solutions, perhaps using OpenStreetMap or some other repository... I don't know for sure.

Try googling for an SVG file. They're abundant for individual countries on Wikipedia and I imagine you'll find one for a world map too. They're little more than XML files describing polylines and shapes, so much easier to work with than OSM

Many examples and tutorials out there too, for example

Thank you guys, I will look for all of that. I only wanted to know if there was a project like that before going in the Arcgis World! 

Now I have installed Arcgis, and get a map like this (photo attached). Maybe I can export it in Cad in polylines and then it in Rhino...

But I will contemplate all options, so I will look for SVG files.

It is a long-term project and I dont know clearly what is better. Maybe I can work in Arcgis to put all the information, which they will be points which represents buildings, built or not, and each building will have like 20 informations (architect, year, characteristics, etc). 

And them export the points into Rhino-Grasshopper to build schemes and represent graphically the answer to questions like "Where was the origin of this architectonic style?", "How and where did it spread in its first 10 years?" or "Where did German architects build this style?" or "I can see where there are buildings with a monumental door". Now I have like 2000 buildings, and i think I will use 5000 for building the spatial data base. 

I will write here if I find some easy way to get that or ask for help if I find a cul-de-sac way

Thank you,



Or squemes like that... 







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