
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everyone and welcome to my first post!

I'm trying to inflate a BREP bounded by a mesh. Does anyone know a good approach? I just discovered Kangaroo last week and it seems like a good route to explore, but I'm uncertain where to even begin. 

Warm regards, 


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Hi Travis, welcome!

Why does it need to be a Brep?

Kangaroo works by moving points around, and other geometry based on those points gets moved with them. This is very simple for meshes, whose geometry is defined by just their points and topology, whereas NURBS are more complex, with control point weightings, trim curves and so on. While it is possible to move the points of a NURBS surface with Kangaroo, these other properties are not updated, so if you have a polysurface unplanned things could happen at the joins between patches.

There are some situations in which it might make sense to use NURBS with Kangaroo, but in general if there isn't a clear need, it's much preferable to stick with meshes.

Thank you Daniel for your quick response! 

I need a NURBS approximation to a triangulated mesh for my research. I use tspipe to generate the correct topology for the geometry, but then I thought an inflating algorithm would be a good option to expand the t-spline inside the mesh until it filled it out. 

I get what you're saying about the joints between patches - I've experienced this in other approaches I've used. I was thinking I could incorporated other Kangaroo goals to prevent unwanted behavior. 

Thanks again, 







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