
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello again

Does anybody know how can I replace the blue marked lines with the black one in a culling pattern ?

Thanks for your reply

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You expect us to recreate the file based on your image?

Yep you're right sorry about that

I just added my grasshopper file to the post

I still need the surface you're using. I tried recreating a half-oval, but the edges are not what your file expects.

I finally did it based on data trees tutorial by You, Dear David.

Now I have another question.

My structure cant be closed at it's ends, as you can see.

Did I made a mistake ?

I will post my files

Thank you


It is quite a difficult problem, and I think you took the right approach but Grasshopper just makes it harder than it needs to be.

I made a few changes to your file:

  1. Most importantly, I added a [Repeat Data] component which appends the first division point for each curve to the end of the list. This means you don't have to 'wrap' your hexagons, as the points along the seam are already duplicate.
  2. I made sure all the curves are in a clean tree where each path has the same number of elements. Your original tree looked like {0}, {0;0}, {0;1}, {0;2}, ... which is always difficult to work with.
  3. I separated out the 6 lines of each hexagon into a distinct [Relative Item] [Split Tree] logic. This is not strictly speaking necessary, but does help clarify (for me) the exact purpose of each component on the file.
  4. I clustered some common component networks.
  5. Instead of selecting points from the tree first and then connecting them, I went the other way around. First I create ALL vertical and diagonal line segments, and only then do I pick the ones I need. Sure, it means the file generates more geometry than it needs to, but it means all lines segments can harvest their points from an intact datatree.

Ok I must watch more videos about Data Trees but now I found that really simple and helpful !

Thanks again. 

Really nice work guys!  (both of you)  Much to learn here, esp. about 'RelItem' and 'Split Tree (Split)'.







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