
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,

I've been trying my hand with a small kangaroo simulation to recreate Frei Otto's wet strings experiment. However, it seems to crash as there are apparently 10,000+ lines being calculated, even when there are relatively few to start with. Is there any way to streamline this a little bit? Also, is there any way to keep the lines on the xz axis? As at the moment they are attracting lines parallel to them as well.






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Can't help you with the Kangaroo bit, but you don't have to share the *.3dmbak files, they are files Rhino uses to prevent file corruption in case a crash happens while a file is being saved. Just the *.3dm and the *.gh should suffice.

Thanks David! They've saved me a few times, long day... (UK)

Just from looking at the image I'd guess that your anchor points need to be flattened.

Yeah I thought it might have been something along those lines, managed to reduce it to only 450 liens after doing that. Do you know how I might make sure the curves remain planar?

Hi Laurens,

there's a lot going on in the definition you posted, but for the actual simulation part there appears to be just several polylines of only 2 segments each, in separate planes, and there are no forces between them because they are in separate branches. I don't understand what you mean about the curves remaining planar.

Could you make a simple sketch/description of the result you are after?

I simplified a lot of the parameters to stop my computer from freezing, so that's the output itself is a bit more simplified than I would like. 

This is what I'm going for. The lines will eventually form the fenestration for the windows in a series of vertical planes. I hope this clears it up a little.

Hi all, 

I've updated the algorithm to separate each panel, this has meant I've been able to increase the complexity, however after tweaking it for a few days the outcome still doesn't resemble the Wet Strings experiment. Can anyone see anything in my settings that I could change?

My Rhino file is quite large but I can upload if anyone would like to look at it first-hand.







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