
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello, I am a beginner in grasshopper. How would I connect divided points from 5 rectangles into curves? also how would I loft the curves into volumes? When I loft the curves there is always two lines that are not lofted. Thank you

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"divided points"?  You can't divide a point...

"5 rectangles"?  Your drawing shows nine pairs of rectangles...

I deleted one of each pair and did this:

The rectangles need to be sorted by their 'Z' value:

The twist in the middle is because the rectangles don't all start at the same corner.  This could be handled with GH code or, more easily, fix the input rectangles so their start points are aligned.


Please ignore previous code - I left two versions on the canvas and forgot to internalize the rectangles.

In this version, I rotated the top four(?) to align the start/end corners, added 'Loft' (with 'Loft options' set to 'Closed loft') and added 'Flip Curve' to make sure all the curves have the same direction.


Thank you so much Joseph, this is exactly what I need, but I dont know much about how your code works. Im going to dig into the logic of how you created the continues curves.  






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