Working through the panelizing tools primer released yesterday. The grasshopper example on page 28 is not baking for me. I get an m_count not defined but if I simply dim m_count as integer at beginning it still dose not bake.
Sub RunScript(ByVal Points As List(Of Object), ByVal GridName As String, ByVal Bake As Boolean, ByVal Num As Integer)
If( Not Bake ) Then
m_count = 0
End If
'Iterate through points by row
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
j = 0
For i = 0 To Points.Count() – 1
If( j > Num + 1 ) Then
j = 0
End If
Dim pt As On3dPoint
pt = Points(i)
'Name the point
Dim att As New On3dmObjectAttributes
att.m_name = GridName & "(" & m_count & ")(" & j & ")"
'increment index
j += 1
'Add to document
doc.AddPointObject(pt, att)
m_count += 1
A = m_count
End Sub