
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I got this octopus model from the Sketchup Warehouse and I would like to change it to nice, clean nurbs to manipulate its tentacles in Rhino.

How can I achieve this?

thank you for your help,


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Moved from FAQ into Discussion.

Oops, thanks for moving it to the right place!

If you want to move the tentacles the best thing is probably to use "rigging". Software for animation usually allows you to model a simple skeleton made out of lines that is associated with a more complex mesh object. Changing the shape of the skeleton will also change the mesh object accordingly.

In this case each tentacle could be a curve, and changing those curves will also change the mesh vertices of the tentacles close to them. Rhino doesn't have this by default, I think the Bongo plugin can do something like this (not sure if with splines).

With Grasshopper you could try to implement this feature yourself. Attached is a crude example of rigging done in Grasshopper.

click on the image for an animation


very cool!

Brilliant to include the suckers too, taking advantage of having a mesh you can convert to movable vertex points and then back.

Ah, well, how easy, a serious C# script hiding in there.

It's called "SimplexNoise" which also has its own Grasshopper component based on work by Ken Perlin according to the help entry, and your C# script is indeed replaceable by SimplexNoise:

The simplex noise component you mention comes from a plugin

The c# script is just in case you don't have the plugin installed, but does the same thing.

The reason for definition was to show the "rigging". The way the skeleton is then moved is up to the user (I used simplex noise as it was a quick way of doing it).

Ah, it came from a plugin I played with once after I saw the undulating blob videos.

Where would I have found the source code like you did?

It's in the description of the plugin, in the link I posted above.






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