
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

How can i create branches cotaining items from one single list? Take a look at the simple example.

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as im also always struggelin with data structures, trees and so on i thought i give a try.
i think its not a very slim solution, im also not very happy with my selection mechanism.
The path Mapper is the best way to achieve this, but as it stands now you have to enter the integers manually into the path mapper (i.e. you cannot pick up the number from another source).

To split a list with the first N items going into the first branch and the next N going into the second branch you will need the backslash divide or integer divide "\". You are defining how many Items there are to be

To split a list where every other component goes into a different branch e.g. first item --> first branch, second item --> second branch....tenth item back into the first branch etc. Then the Modulo divide is needed "%". You are defining how many Paths there are to be

BTW the second version using the modulo divide is the same as integer divide and then flipping the matrix. so that 11 paths containing 9 items becomes 9 paths containing 11 items (rows --> columns)






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