
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Help: how to create a tensile structure by kangroo?

Hi. I was struggling with the structure i found on a website. I could only manage to find a 4 point hyperbolic by setting the 4 corners of the mesh plane. However when I tried to set the point at the edge of the mesh to the anchor points, it seemed the final form was not controlled by those points. Could anyone give me some suggestion on that please?

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Replies to This Discussion

Hello Sijing,

If you post your file it will be much easier to get an answer.

Hi Nikos, I used this definition provided by David Rutten to create the tensile structure. however, when I tried to input a random mesh created from a surface, Kangroo did not work as when I input the mesh plane to the definitions. 


Hello Sijing,

That is exactly the reason why I asked you to upload the file you are working on. Not all definitions work on any geometry.

If you can post your gh and 3dm files I can take a look to see what's going on.

Hi Nikos,

Thank you for your reply. plz see below my definitions. 


Can you upload the mesh as well? (the rhino file)

Hi, I dont have the rhino file with me. I simply create a mesh plane in Rhino (5x5 m) and I made a few random points on the mesh surface as my anchor points. it worked ok in this way, however if I started create a random closed curve and PlanarSrf it into a surface and Mesh it into a mesh and import it into the input mesh in gh I couldnt get the same result. 

starting from a curve:

(not pretty but it works...)

Honestly it's a shot in the dark if I can't test your file. Maybe you need to play with the sliders? Maybe the control points are not set correctly? (they should be on vertices of the mesh) I don't know...

see if my file can help you locate the problem


Hi, yeah it worked for me now! thank you sooooo much !






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