
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I aim to draw the geodesics of a torus.

I found the parametrization of the curve on a revolved surface. (in this pdf):

I have 2 main questions:

I>can I use a lofted surface (from a list of circles?) Is the surface going to have parametrization needed?

>which feature do I need to generate the curve? CrvSrf (Curve on Surface) node would be enough? or scripted node?




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It's not a parametric curve on surface. 

They are just joined segments of geodesic curves. 

It's approaching the right geometry , but just an aproximation...



a torus knot. 

(nothing to do..) but from far away it looked like..

This is an attempt of the geodesic curve on torus.

The Torus is build with the parametric definition

The geodesic too. 

I think there's a major problem of mapping u and v of the parametric definition.



Hello enrique
Did you find a solution till now? do you have some definitions?



i found this:

But i just don't know how to do that in grasshopper. how to start. does anyone know how to do this?

I'll look for the definition. it was a time ago.

we finally built it

This is very interesting and impressiv work wath you are doing. i'd would be great if you find the time to search for the definition. many thanks.

Do yo need something like that ?


Hello Laurent
Yes, seems to be exactly what i'm looking for. Do you share your definition?

Yes of course I share it. It is in the reply ""  it is just an equation. The pipes are not very good because they have a null radius inside the torus.

Haha sorry i didn't saw it.. Thank you very much!

Hi Laurent:

The geometry for the pipes seem to suffer from constriction, as it wraps back upon itself is related to the Moebius effect?






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