
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Once again I am sure there is a simple way to do this, but after a really frustrating day of grasshopping, I am putting it out here.

So I have a bunch of surfaces, which are planar and only have straight edges. I would like to mesh them so I can offset the individual mesh faces.

For some reason though, the Mesh Brep component, doesn't give the desired results for no apparent reason. Sometimes it can mesh a surface in just a few mesh faces and sometimes takes a ridicolous amount of small ones. Have a look at the screenshot below. I should say that all surfaces have around the same amount of discontinuities (between 7 and 12).

What's even stranger is, that it was working perfectly and all surfaces were meshed in a similar way to the "good" one in the screenshot, with about 10 or so mesh faces each. As soon as I saved the GH file though it looks like it does on the screenshot. WTF!?

Even Area fails on the polyline face boundaries now for some reason (it didn't before I saved).

Alternatively does anyone have a better solution to triangulating the inside of the surfaces in as few triangles as possible. There has to be a better way, but I have literally just spent hours trying different approaches.


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Ok, I have found out it only happens if Mesh Brep is inside a cluster. Will put this in Bugs Forum as well.

There are other ways which you can get evenly divided mesh.

I'm not sure which one is  appropriate for your way to go.

You'll need Kangroo plug-in.


You Sir, are a legend! Thank you very much.

I have just 2 problems now. 

1. MeshMachine doesn't want to work. I have downloaded it and put it in the components folder. Then unblocked it. Its still saying that it cant find it and the component is missing when I open your file. Any idea?

2. MeshBrep has a serious bug. It has different solutions when it is inside a cluster (which it needs to be in my case - its a very large patch). See here:

Not in cluster:

In cluster:

Its a shame that meshmachine isn't working because I really liked the look of that solution. I would like the meshes for each element to be similar (they will have an inner offset, so basically have many holes).

Ok, I noticed that MeshMachine DOES work, just couldnt find the component in your file. I added it again and connected like in your image. Its working now :)

But I noticed that even MeshMachine has some weird solutions in some places, which makes it unusable for my case:

OK. the last mesh is weird.

I've fixed the last one and added weaverbird plug-in components for you, so you can easily get what you want, I hope;;


I"ve found another option regarding mesh brep component.

You can use "custom mesh settings" for your mesh surface tessellating optimization.

Hope this help.







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